Santa Clara County

Pond A16 (Summer): Terns and Black Skimmers

Pond A16 (Summer): Terns and Black Skimmers

Summer is a fun time to visit Pond A16 at Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Alviso. Noisy and active terns and skimmers have arrived to nest on the man-made islands in the salt pond. Come back often to see the birds in different breeding stages, from courtship to nesting to feeding their young.

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Ogier Ponds (Winter): Birding by Bike or Walk-in

Ogier Ponds (Winter): Birding by Bike or Walk-in

Ogier Ponds is a quiet, birdy, freshwater haven located in Morgan Hill along the Coyote Creek Trail. It is the perfect spot to visit during fall and winter to look for wintering waterfowl, gulls, and sparrows.

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Los Capitancillos Ponds (Winter): Going on a Snipe Hunt

Los Capitancillos Ponds (Winter): Going on a Snipe Hunt

Wilson’s Snipe really do exist and Los Capitancillos Ponds in San José is my favorite place to hunt for them. Besides finding the elusive snipe, visit these ponds in the winter for ducks, geese, and gulls. The wide gravel travel is uncrowded making it easy to social distance.

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Coyote Lake (Fall/Winter): Mendoza Ranch Area

Coyote Lake (Fall/Winter): Mendoza Ranch Area

Coyote Lake County Park is a wonderfully diverse park in the South County. We’ll travel the out-and-back spur to Roop Pond, and the hiking-only Rancho La Polka Loop trail, both of which are lightly traveled, affording more opportunity for solitude with the birds! With a small pond, oak woodland, and oak savannah transitioning into grassland, this can be an excellent area for all of the typical oak woodland birds and overwintering raptors.

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Otoño e Invierno en el Parque del Condado de Coyote Lake, en el Área del Rancho Mendoza 

Otoño e Invierno en el Parque del Condado de Coyote Lake, en el Área del Rancho Mendoza 

El parque del condado de Coyote Lake es un parque maravillosamente diverso en el sur del condado. Haremos un sendero de ida y vuelta en forma de espuela hasta el estanque Roop y el sendero Rancho La Polka Loop, solo para caminantes, ambos con poco recorrido, lo que brinda más oportunidades para la soledad con los pájaros. Con un pequeño estanque, un bosque de robles y una sabana de robles que se convierte en pradera, esta puede ser un área excelente para todas las aves típicas de los bosques de robles y las aves rapaces que invernantes.

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Ed R. Levin County Park (Fall/Winter): A Trip Around Sandy Wool Lake

Ed R. Levin County Park (Fall/Winter): A Trip Around Sandy Wool Lake

Looking for a picturesque “get-away” to a beautiful area in the fall and winter without having to travel too far from home? The Sandy Wool Lake area of Ed R. Levin County Park is a nice escape in the east hills to spot birds and enjoy nature. Take a leisurely, less than 1 mile walk around Sandy Wool Lake in search of resident and returning wintering birds, all while enjoying views of the Diablo Range’s rolling hills.

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Un Paseo por El Lago Sandy Wool

Un Paseo por El Lago Sandy Wool

¿Está buscando una “escapada” pintoresca a una hermosa zona en otoño e invierno sin tener que viajar demasiado lejos de casa? El área del lago Sandy Wool dentro del parque del condado Ed R. Levin es una agradable escapada en las colinas del este para observar aves y disfrutar de la naturaleza. En esta caminata tranquila de menos de 1 milla alrededor del lago Sandy Wool buscaremos aves residentes y las que regresan en invierno, mientras disfruta de las vistas de las colinas onduladas de Diablo Range.

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McClellan Ranch Preserve (Fall/Winter)

McClellan Ranch Preserve (Fall/Winter)

McClellan Ranch Preserve in Cupertino is a special place to visit in fall and winter. The SCVAS bird feeders and baths are being filled regularly, our wintering sparrows have returned, and the benches under the SCVAS Nature Shop awnings make a nice place to sit quietly and observe.

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Reserva Natural del Rancho McClellan en Otoño/Invierno

Reserva Natural del Rancho McClellan en Otoño/Invierno

McClellan Ranch Preserve en Cupertino es un lugar especial para visitar en las temporadas de otoño e invierno a partir de octubre. Los comederos y baños para pájaros de SCVAS se llenan con regularidad, nuestros gorriones invernales han regresado y los bancos en el porche a las afueras de la tienda natural de SCVAS son un lugar agradable para sentarse tranquilamente y observar.

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Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (Fall/Winter)

Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (Fall/Winter)

No matter the season, Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (CVOSP) in Morgan Hill is a great place to discover local favorites or special migrants. In fall and winter, this preserve is a perfect spot to watch for resident and migrating raptors, wintering sparrows, and agricultural-field specialties.

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Don Edwards (Fall): Shorebird Spectacle at New Chicago Marsh

Don Edwards (Fall): Shorebird Spectacle at New Chicago Marsh

When thinking about ideal attributes for a fall birding location, different people might think of different features: large variety of species, good possibility for rarities, close views of birds or easily accessible without too much walking. I’m happy to say that, if you picked any of the above, New Chicago Marsh in Alviso is the place for you!

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Pearson-Arastradero Preserve (Fall/Winter)

Pearson-Arastradero Preserve (Fall/Winter)

Pearson-Arastradero Preserve is an open space preserve on the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains. The preserve is located in Palo Alto and is a great place to go birding if you live in Mountain View, Los Altos, Palo Alto, or San Mateo.

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Reserva Pearson-Arastradero en el otoño-invierno

Reserva Pearson-Arastradero en el otoño-invierno

La reserva natural Pearson-Arastradero es un parque ubicado en los pies de las montañas de Santa Cruz. La reserva está ubicada en Palo Alto y es un gran lugar para observar aves si usted vive en Mountain View, Los Altos, Palo Alto, o San Mateo. El parque posee una variedad de hábitats que incluyen praderas, bosques de robles y un pequeño lago, los que atraen a una gran variedad de aves durante todo el año.

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Vasona Lake County Park (Fall): Warbler Watching

Vasona Lake County Park (Fall): Warbler Watching

Vasona Lake County Park in Los Gatos is a great place to visit in September and October if you are looking for warblers and other fall migrants. The route I’m recommending is short with lots of benches along the way making for a peaceful and easy outing.

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Wood Road Trail in Almaden Quicksilver County Park

Wood Road Trail in Almaden Quicksilver County Park

The Wood Road entrance is a quiet, less-trafficked entrance to the expansive Almaden Quicksilver County Park. This short out-and-back trail is wide and mostly shaded by blue oaks, live oaks, madrones, and bay laurels, until you emerge into open chaparral. Come here to enjoy a peaceful morning…

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Palo Alto Baylands (Fall through Early Spring): Shorebirds along the Duck Pond Loop Trail and “Rail Alley”

Palo Alto Baylands (Fall through Early Spring): Shorebirds along the Duck Pond Loop Trail and “Rail Alley”

Birdwatching in the Palo Alto Baylands is excellent year-round but especially nice September through April when a large number of shorebirds are present. Plus, this is the best location in Santa Clara County to spot the endangered Ridgway’s Rail.

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Duck Pond Loop Trail y "Rail Alley" en las Marismas de Palo Alto

Duck Pond Loop Trail y "Rail Alley" en las Marismas de Palo Alto

¡Es septiembre y las aves de la costa están llegando! Uno de los mejores lugares para verlos es la Reserva Natural de Palo Alto Baylands a mitad de la marea…

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Ulistac Natural Area (Fall): Fall Migration “Must-Do”

Ulistac Natural Area (Fall): Fall Migration “Must-Do”

Ulistac Natural Area, in the city of Santa Clara, is an urban gem for birders and worth a visit year round. During fall it can get very active with migrant birds. Diverse habitats in a relatively small space offer a variety of species. The park is easily accessible by car or light rail and the trails are an easy walk that don’t require significant exertion.

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Anderson Lake County Park (Summer): Coyote Creek Nature Trail

Anderson Lake County Park (Summer): Coyote Creek Nature Trail

This summer, you will probably find yourself looking for a shady place to enjoy local birds. The Nature Trail at the Anderson Lake/Coyote Creek Visitor Center in Morgan Hill is a favorite of mine to bird year-round, and great in summer for the ample shade along Coyote Creek. Though parts of this route may be narrow, it is a less traveled trail and thus easy to avoid crowds!

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Pond A2E and Crittenden Marsh (Summer): Totally Terns and Snowy Plovers Too

Pond A2E and Crittenden Marsh (Summer): Totally Terns and Snowy Plovers Too

Summer is the time to visit Salt Pond A2E in Mountain View. You will have an opportunity to spot up to 6 species of terns plus the Snowy Plovers that are “next door” in Crittenden Marsh (Stevens Creek Nature Study Area). While the parking lot can be crowded at times on the weekends, once you are out on the trails, the crowds disperse.

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