Coyote Lake Harvey Bear Ranch County Park

Coyote Lake (Winter): A Winter Stop for Waterfowl and Much More

Coyote Lake (Winter): A Winter Stop for Waterfowl and Much More

Whether you want a relaxing lakeside drive with easy bird watching, or a vigorous hike through the rolling hills, Coyote Lake in Gilroy is a prime attraction for birdwatchers. Beautiful scenery is the backdrop to lots of overwintering waterfowl and wild animals like deer, wild boar, Wild Turkey and California Quail that are habituated to people. Come for the Bald Eagles and courting Western and Clark’s Grebes and you will find so much more.

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Coyote Lake (Fall/Winter): Mendoza Ranch Area

Coyote Lake (Fall/Winter): Mendoza Ranch Area

Coyote Lake County Park is a wonderfully diverse park in the South County. We’ll travel the out-and-back spur to Roop Pond, and the hiking-only Rancho La Polka Loop trail, both of which are lightly traveled, affording more opportunity for solitude with the birds! With a small pond, oak woodland, and oak savannah transitioning into grassland, this can be an excellent area for all of the typical oak woodland birds and overwintering raptors.

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Otoño e Invierno en el Parque del Condado de Coyote Lake, en el Área del Rancho Mendoza 

Otoño e Invierno en el Parque del Condado de Coyote Lake, en el Área del Rancho Mendoza 

El parque del condado de Coyote Lake es un parque maravillosamente diverso en el sur del condado. Haremos un sendero de ida y vuelta en forma de espuela hasta el estanque Roop y el sendero Rancho La Polka Loop, solo para caminantes, ambos con poco recorrido, lo que brinda más oportunidades para la soledad con los pájaros. Con un pequeño estanque, un bosque de robles y una sabana de robles que se convierte en pradera, esta puede ser un área excelente para todas las aves típicas de los bosques de robles y las aves rapaces que invernantes.

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