Yellow-billed Magpie

Coyote Valley (Late Winter/Early Spring): Love & Raptors in the Air

Coyote Valley (Late Winter/Early Spring): Love & Raptors in the Air

The agricultural fields of the Coyote Valley floor in South San Jose/Morgan Hill are excellent birding for raptors and grassland specialties. A popular stop is Laguna Ave, where with luck you can watch courting Red-tailed Hawks, Golden Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, and more! This trip is best done by car or by bike as it involves scanning long sections of fields along roads.

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Sierra Vista OSP (Fall/Winter)

Sierra Vista OSP (Fall/Winter)

Sierra Vista OSP is in the eastern foothills of Santa Clara County. It is a good location to visit year-round, but especially in the winter when grassland loving sparrows and Ferruginous Hawk may be present. There are few crowds in the early morning and weekdays and the views are fantastic.

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Coyote Lake (Fall/Winter): Mendoza Ranch Area

Coyote Lake (Fall/Winter): Mendoza Ranch Area

Coyote Lake County Park is a wonderfully diverse park in the South County. We’ll travel the out-and-back spur to Roop Pond, and the hiking-only Rancho La Polka Loop trail, both of which are lightly traveled, affording more opportunity for solitude with the birds! With a small pond, oak woodland, and oak savannah transitioning into grassland, this can be an excellent area for all of the typical oak woodland birds and overwintering raptors.

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Otoño e Invierno en el Parque del Condado de Coyote Lake, en el Área del Rancho Mendoza 

Otoño e Invierno en el Parque del Condado de Coyote Lake, en el Área del Rancho Mendoza 

El parque del condado de Coyote Lake es un parque maravillosamente diverso en el sur del condado. Haremos un sendero de ida y vuelta en forma de espuela hasta el estanque Roop y el sendero Rancho La Polka Loop, solo para caminantes, ambos con poco recorrido, lo que brinda más oportunidades para la soledad con los pájaros. Con un pequeño estanque, un bosque de robles y una sabana de robles que se convierte en pradera, esta puede ser un área excelente para todas las aves típicas de los bosques de robles y las aves rapaces que invernantes.

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Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (Fall/Winter)

Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (Fall/Winter)

No matter the season, Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve (CVOSP) in Morgan Hill is a great place to discover local favorites or special migrants. In fall and winter, this preserve is a perfect spot to watch for resident and migrating raptors, wintering sparrows, and agricultural-field specialties.

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