Birdathon Campaign Progress

Goal 1
Goal 2

Sponsor a Birdathon Team | Read our Birdathon Stories

Goal 1: If we hit $5,000 by April 10, benefactors will kick in an additional $5,000 UPDATE: Goal 1 ACHIEVED on March 30!
Goal 2: If we hit $15,000 by April 30, benefactors will kick in a second $5,000. UPDATE: Goal 2 ACHIEVED on April 9!
Ultimate Goal: $50,000 by the end of the Birdathon UPDATE, May 10: We have exceeded our ultimate goal! Thanks to everyone who's contributed so far!
How much higher can you take us? Your support has surpassed our already-optimistic expectations!
Final Results: We are pleased to announce that this year's Birdathon raised $66,400 for our chapter!

Awards Event Sat. 5/29


Spring is just around the corner and it’s that time again! Our Birdathon is a chance to celebrate our rich diversity of birds, spend time outdoors, share stories, and raise funds to expand and improve our education programs, a core part of our mission. With support from this fundraiser, we are creating a new high-school education program that will focus on students in underserved urban areas, updating our existing grade-school Wetlands Discovery Program to include more online and remote education, creating more opportunities for Citizen Science with bird surveys and bioblitzes and providing more adult education classes such as our recent Gull and Flycatcher Identification online courses.

Support the Birdathon by buying a T-shirt

Do you like birds and wearing clothing? Check out our 2021 shirt: Tyrants of Santa Clara County! Now you can show off your bird nerd pride and have a handy reference for those pesky Empidonax when you’re out in the field. Shirts are $25 and proceeds go to support the Birdathon.

We also have a few SCVAS 2020 “Birding is good for the blues” t-shirts in stock if you missed out last year or just want another one! Now available at the discounted price of $15 each. Limited sizes and colors are available while supplies last.

More Information

The participation window (when teams go out to bird) started Saturday March 27 and continues until Sunday, May 9. We have many different kinds of teams for a variety of interests and abilities.

Teams have been posting their Birdathon Stories to our website for all to enjoy. Past prize and competition winners are memorialized on our new Birdathon “Hall of Fame” page.

If you are forming or joining a team, please read and understand the Birdathon Rules and Guidelines, then head to our Birdathon Teams page to create your own team or joined an existing team.

If you need some guidance in asking for donations, take a moment to explore these helpful documents that can be used to explain Birdathon to your friends, family, or whomever you are asking for sponsorship from. They also include ask and thank you letters that you can use as templates for your own efforts.

View Birdathon Teams →

Our Sponsors

A big thank you to all of our prize sponsors this year! We’re proud to include prizes from the Cornell Lab, Alvaro’s Adventures, the Los Gatos Birdwatcher, Zeiss, Birds & Beans, and Beauregard Vineyards for our fundraisers. Amongst this year’s prizes, all the participants of this year’s Birdathon will get access to Cornell’s Be a Better Birder: Size & Shape course after our award ceremony on May 29!

You can also read a recap of the 2020 Birdathon.