Fall Birding in Santa Clara County

September through November means many things to birds and birders. We say goodbye to a number of species leaving our county for areas to the south. We welcome northern birds arriving for the winter. Still other species are spotted just passing through to who-knows-where. As the weather cools and the days shorten, birds lose their brilliant colors and don their subtler winter wardrobe. Why all this moving and changing? The demands of raising young and defending territory are gone and Fall is spent recovering and preparing for the lean times ahead. Look for old familiar species that come to visit us again—Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Cedar Waxwing, White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows in your garden… The Bay Front areas will fill with wintering Waterfowl, Shorebirds and Gulls. In addition to these common birds, we watch for the occasional rarity like Eurasian Wigeon, Summer Tanager, or Blackpoll Warbler. Will Tropical Kingbird pay us a visit again? Fall is potentially the most surprise-filled time of the year, and quite possibly the best time to go birding!

Bayfront | East Hills | South County | Urban Areas | West Hills

Fall Bayfront Trips

Fall East Hill Trips

Fall South County Trips

Fall Urban Areas

Fall West Hill Trips