Volunteer Opportunities February 2022

Burrowing Owl Work Day: February 19, 9am-12pm

Volunteers will work to remove non-native invasive vegetation from the mounds and berms used by breeding Burrowing Owls in preparation for the upcoming breeding season. Volunteers are recommended to wear waterproof shoes or rubber boots for this workday. Tools and gloves are provided.
Volunteers must be 18 or older to participate, no exceptions.

Please contact programs@scvas.org if interested for further information.

Naturalists Needed: OSCSP

Explore the Coyote Valley with us! The Oak Savanna Community Science Project is a three year project funded by the Open Space Authority to bring the community into nature and introduce high school students to community science at the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area.

BioBlitz Naturalists: On March 12, 9am-12pm SCVAS will be holding our second BioBlitz in the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area. Naturalists will be asked to help guide groups of 5-10 people in exploring the site and helping document sightings using iNaturalist.

Ages 14 & up with parent participation, familiarity with native species and iNaturalist preferred.

Monthly Bird Surveys: Wednesday morning, once a month, 7:30-11am. Birders survey transects in the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area, making special note of breeding and nesting birds. This site is closed to the public and has been the location of birds like the Prairie Falcon, Ferruginous Hawks, and even a Lark Bunting!

Ages 12 & up with parent participation, some birding and eBird experience preferred.

Contact programs@scvas.org with interest/questions.

Outreach Opportunities: Introducing birds to people

Let's Go Birding Together: April 2, 10am. We need a couple of experienced field trip leaders, but also a couple of people to play host and engage the attendees so that they feel welcome and enjoy the birds! This is an in person volunteering opportunity.

Vietnamese Translator: SCVAS is looking for a volunteer that is fluent in Vietnamese to help in our outreach efforts with that portion of the community. Volunteer work would involve translating materials such as self-guided field trips. This volunteering opportunity is largely virtual.

Tabling Volunteer: From time to time SCVAS takes part in local festivals, allowing us to interact with the public and introduce them to both our organization and our love of birding. We're looking for friendly, enthusiastic volunteers interested in sharing their understanding of SCVAS and birds with the public in tabling events throughout the year. Typical volunteering shifts are three to four hours, and take place primarily in the fall.

Reach out to our Outreach Committee Chair, Ann Hepenstal with interest here.

Environmental Advocacy: Speak up in your community

Petition: Say NO to Plastic Grass This spring, the Los Gatos Union School District will be considering converting elementary school sports fields from natural grass to plastic turf. We should be promoting native plants and grasses, not increasing plastic in our environment. Please sign this petition to ask Los Gatos elected officials to say NO to plastic turf.
Register: Annual Lehigh Quarry and Cement Plant Public Meeting on March 2nd Please register for Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian’s annual Lehigh public meeting for Wednesday, March 2nd, from 6:30-8:30pm. The panelists include the U.S. EPA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Valley Water, and more! This is an important virtual meeting to participate in and ask questions about the Lehigh Quarry, which is devastating Permanente Ridge in Cupertino.
Comment: Draft Pathways to 30x30 California has pledged to protect 30% of our public lands and water by 2030. Submit your comments on the Draft Pathways to 30x30 plan and emphasize the need for habitat connectivity for native species, wetland habitat for migratory birds, and protection of our iconic oak species within the plan. Comment by February 15th using the California Native Resources Agency 30x30 webpage.