Santa Clara County

Palo Alto Baylands (Summer): Emily Renzel Wetlands

Palo Alto Baylands (Summer): Emily Renzel Wetlands

Emily Renzel Ponds in Palo Alto is a small but delightful birding spot just east of US-101, about halfway between Charleston Slough and Palo Alto Baylands. It consists of two freshwater ponds and can be birded easily in an hour or so.

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Los Capitancillos Ponds (Spring/Summer): Swifts and Swallows

Los Capitancillos Ponds (Spring/Summer): Swifts and Swallows

During the spring and summer months, swifts and swallows decorate these ponds, which are located near Almaden Lake in San José. It is a great location to bird on the weekends because it is relatively quiet and uncrowded compared with better known parks nearby.

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Joseph D. Grant County Park (Spring/Summer): Ranch House, Grant Lake, Twin Gates and Smith Creek

Joseph D. Grant County Park (Spring/Summer): Ranch House, Grant Lake, Twin Gates and Smith Creek

Joseph D. Grant County Park is a large, uncrowded park in the east foothills of San José. It features a variety of habitats, wide trails, and easy access to parking.

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Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Summer): Phalaropes in the East Pond

Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Summer): Phalaropes in the East Pond

July through September are the months to see the small and graceful Wilson’s and Red-necked Phalaropes. These birds are usually found on the East and West Ponds of the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant. And, if you are lucky, you may even see them spin!

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