Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant

Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Fall/Winter): Ducks for Days

Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Fall/Winter): Ducks for Days

You wouldn’t think that sewage treatment would be a travel-worthy destination, but Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant’s large variety of waterfowl and passerines is well worth a trip. Whether you’re looking for a 100-yard stroll from the car or a 4-mile hike, this spot provides excellent views of a large variety of bird species, all in a beautiful bay-front environment.

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Pond A4 (Winter/Early Spring): A Wintertime South Bay Birding Sampler

Pond A4 (Winter/Early Spring): A Wintertime South Bay Birding Sampler

Walk or bike around Pond A4 in Sunnyvale for a broad birding sample of southern San Francisco Bay in winter. Diving ducks blanket the pond, terns and pelicans fly overhead, marsh birds lurk in the surrounding channels, raptors perch on utility towers, and—as a reminder of the human footprint on the landscape—crows and blackbirds scavenge around the adjacent landfill.

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Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Summer): Phalaropes in the East Pond

Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Summer): Phalaropes in the East Pond

July through September are the months to see the small and graceful Wilson’s and Red-necked Phalaropes. These birds are usually found on the East and West Ponds of the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant. And, if you are lucky, you may even see them spin!

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