Annual Appeal


In 2021, charitable donations up to $300 may be eligible for a tax deduction even for those taking the Standard Deduction, but the eligibility expires on 31 December 2021. Check with your tax advisor to determine if this affects you, and make sure to make your donation before the deadline.

Your strength

After an unusual year-and-a-half, we are beginning to feel normal again. Field trips are running, schools are scheduling dates for our programs, and our Nature Shop is freshly stocked and open once more. Our work continued throughout the pandemic though, and we never slowed down much at all, we just worked differently. We kept our spirits up thanks to your strength, encouragement and financial support. Our staff and volunteers made innovative changes to our processes, like introducing zoom events, video content, online classes and self-guided field trips... they made personal distance a little less impersonal and it forced us to think hard about our Chapter’s position in the community.

A rising tide

We see the public’s interest in birds and the environment at an all-time high now, and it motivates us to meet this demand as effectively as we can—by recruiting more people to be watchers and defenders of wildlife. We do it by expanding our reach to new school districts as well as to underserved communities away from the Bay. We do it with outreach events. We do it by scheduling compelling people for our free Speaker Series, and by offering high-quality online classes. We do it through our advocacy—by researching, publishing, and speaking out at Council meetings to communicate the urgent need to protect local habitats. And we provide memorable encounters with birds and other wildlife through our many public field trips.

Always a reason

Still, there continue to be threats against our local wildlife and green spaces. And there are always more classrooms that need to experience the outdoors. That is why we need your financial support. Your donation enables us to be more present at local schools, improve our curriculum, and offer more guided walks and programs to learners of all ages. You provide us with the resources to grow our advocacy efforts and strengthen our voice to confront developments that harm birds and destroy precious habitat.

We work together

Your generous support goes directly toward the local education of elementary school children (and soon high schoolers), and a host of conservation and birding programs. You help us keep our offices at McClellan Ranch staffed, well-lighted and warm! We know you share in SCVAS’s mission to inspire people to care about the wildlife around them. We hope you will help us reach more people with your donation. It’s possible together.