August Conservation Corner

Conservation Corner

Alviso Hotel consumes open space and habitat

When the Topgolf project was approved a few years ago, we participated in the Environmental Review process and commented on the loss of open space and habitat. The environmental review documents for that project expressed the intent to leave 6 acres of land undeveloped, and thus rejected the need for mitigation. Now, a new project - Alviso hotel - proposes to develop those same acres. This constitutes segmentation of CEQA review (segmenting a large project to small ones to avoid analyzing and mitigating the full impact) that is not permitted by law. The CEQA documents for the new hotel also dismissed concerns for a plethora of avian species, including burrowing owls. SCVAS submitted three letters on this project to the City of San Jose and appealed the Director Hearing’s decision. We hope the project will fully compensate for the loss of open space and habitat.

San Jose Light Tower stalled

The San Jose Light Tower (AKA Silicon Valley Urban Confluence Breeze of Innovation) seems to have stalled. Efforts by the promoters to increase interest in this environmentally-obtuse project at the confluence of the Guadalupe River and Los Gatos Creek in downtown San Jose failed to capture the public’s heart and imagination, and funding seems far from the needed $150+ millions. A recent report by a technical consultant confirms our prediction that the project as proposed is not feasible in this location, and recommends that the proponents purchase land for the project instead of using public land. Recently, the proponents asked the City of San Jose to study placing this project in Cesar Chavez Plaza. It is becoming very clear that they will not be able to raise over $150,000,000 to construct this vanity project. As we continue to follow the turns and tribulation of this project, we continue to hope that the proponents will reconsider this proclaimed “gift” that takes more than it gives the San Jose community.