Run for the Hills! Trip Report 2024

Orange-crowned Warbler: Teresa Cheng

Today, Edward Rooks and I led a non-traditional birdathon team "Run for the Hills".  Instead of trying to find the most birds possible, we birded Woods Rd in Almaden Quicksilver hoping for Black-throated Gray Warblers.  Our favorite bird of the day ended up being a Pileated Woodpecker near the parking lot. We could hear him hammering on a tree a little ways off and, at one point, the bird flew over our heads.  Orange-crowned Warblers and Hutton's Vireos were calling all along the trail.  We had at least 4 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers as well.  As far as the Black-throated Gray Warblers, we heard many but we're only able to get our eyes on one or two.  Here's our complete checklist: