Los Gatos Birdwatcher Trip Report 2024

Led my (Lisa Meyers) "Los Gatos Birdwatcher" SCVAS Birdathon team this morning. It was a 4 hour adventure. We spent the first two hours on the Los Gatos Creek Trail south of the Main Street Bridge. While we hoped for an American Dipper we never saw one. While here we did watch nest building NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOWS. CEDAR WAXWINGS were also here in numbers. One STELLER JAY was the only jay we found all morning. We did have a few WARBLING VIREOS in view and singing. All in all it was rather quiet along the creek.


We then moved over to Vasona County Park. We did not find anything un-expected and added 30 new species to our list including a SPOTTED SANDPIPER working its way along the shore. A GREEN HERON flew by and we also watched an AMERICAN COOT fly the distance of the reservoir. Ya don't see that everyday. An ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was feeding a chick in the nest. The chick fully feathered actually fledged before our eyes. We found a WILSON'S WARBLER high in an oak and only one YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER today. One of the GREAT-HORNED OWLS was clearly in view as it sat in the eucalyptus above the camp host. The goslings are around now following their parents. We ended with 57 species.


We had 16 participants out there today. The youngest in 3rd grade and the oldest probably has a grandchild in 3rd grade. A great group to share sightings and knowledge amongst each other and those passing by. Letting "civilians" look through a scope at a great bird is always fun.

Thank you to all supporting our efforts for SCVAS.