Call for Photos and Artwork

2023 Great Backyard Bird Count

The 2023 Great Backyard Bird Count Gallery is live! Enjoy images of Bay Area birds as seen through the eyes of talented local photographers by clicking here or on the image below.

California Gull by Chris Johnson

Photos and artwork are still being accepted. To be included, send images to

Call for Photos and artwork

The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society is compiling a gallery of photos taken and artwork created during the 2023 Great Backyard Bird Count. You can watch from home, on a neighborhood walk, or even from a favorite birding location within the San Francisco Bay Area.The gallery will be a way for members and friends to share their work with others in the community.

To participate:

Each individual may submit up to three photos or photos of artwork in jpeg format to with the species and the name to be used for credits. Photos may contain unobtrusive watermarks as long as they are not located in the lower left hand corner since that area is being reserved for text including species name and photo credits.

Photos should be taken in the San Francisco Bay Area during the Great Backyard Bird Count from February 17 to February 20 and submitted by February 22.

Artwork should be inspired by birds seen during the Great Backyard Bird Count and submitted by February 25.

Images will become part of the SCVAS photo archive and may be used in SCVAS's communications materials which include the website, social media posts, newsletters, presentations, and reports. Photo credits will be given.



See our Great Backyard Bird Count web page for more information about how to participate in the count.

Banner Photo: House Finch by Teresa Cheng