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Speaker Series: Birding Under the Influence

Birding Under the Influence: Cycling Across America in Search Birds and Recovery

Dorian Anderson

A North American Big Year―a continent-spanning adventure in which a birder attempts to see as many species as possible in twelve months―is a massive undertaking under any circumstances. But doing it on a bike while maintaining sobriety? That’s next level. We are privileged to have Dorian as our speaker this month as he shares highlights from remarkable journey, a truly inspiring story. Birding Under the Influence will be released early November and is currently available for preorder here.

An avid birder since childhood, Dorian Anderson abandoned his hobby at age 15, focusing instead on a demanding scientific career while simultaneously struggling with substance abuse. He earned a degree in molecular and cellular biology from Stanford, conducted predoctoral research in molecular embryology at Harvard, and earned his doctorate in Developmental Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology at New York University. While working as a postdoctoral fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dorian decided to leave the academic rat race and focused on the next phase of his life, returning to birding. In 2014, he embarked on his Biking for Birds project, the first North American Big Year completed entirely by bicycle. During this incredible journey, he biked 17,830 miles (28,500 km) and observed 618 bird species while raising funds for bird habitat conservation. Since his cycling Big Year, he has transitioned to a professional life as a birding guide, writer, and public speaker.