DeDUCKtions Trip Report 2022

This past Wednesday (04-13-22) the SCVAS Birdathon Team, the DeDUCKtions spent the better part of a 24-hour time window birding to benefit the SCVAS education program during an all-county tour. We opted for a very different route this year to focus on some south county areas. It didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped...

We only utilized 15 hours of that window, but began birding a 4:30 AM. We had our first bird, COMMON POORWILL (which was awesome!!!), at the Stile Ranch Trailhead. From there we moved across the street to find GRASSHOPPER SPARROW at Ranch San Vicente parking area. Best views ever!

Next south toward Gilroy for LAWRENCE’S GOLDFINCH and SWAINSONS HAWK on San Felipe Road, but missed the Cassin’s Kingbird. Big disappointment. Doh!!

We then made our way Cañada Road, Jamieson Road, Hunting Hollow, Gilroy Hot Springs Road, Coyote Lake Park (Canyon Wren), Ed Levin Park and finally the Bayfront (easy Shorebirds).

We made way too many stops but recovered 129 species with our core "in person" group. Three additional team members birded independently and added another 8 species to the team's final total of 137 SPECIES.

What was really cool is that everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY added at least one unique species to our final team list! That’s just amazing!!

It is clear though that this route was not as productive as in previous years. The lack of species was probably due to the excessive amount of time spent driving between our stops and a total 172 miles! Shameful. We also ended a few minutes before last light… But the leader got tired. We will try again next year.

We were all pretty tired at the end of the day. But we had a lot of fun birding together!!

Matthew Dodder
Eric Goodill
Cynthia Berg
Emily Kim
Carolyn Straub
Steve McHenry
Christopher Klein
Joan Leighton
Phil Leighton

eBird Report

Spiderhunters Trip Report

Team Spiderhunters.jpg

When Vayun and I did the "quarantined" version of the Birdathon last year, we could not have imagined that one year later we would be still be in the same mode. But here we were again, so we decided to make the most of it and see if we could repeat or improve on our performance from last year for a 4 hour photography challenge, with Vayun doing the photography and I would travel light with just my binoculars. We chose early April again (11th) in the hopes of getting a mixture of winter species and any passage migrants and early arrivals. The strategy was same as before too, to focus on the Mtn View/Palo Alto Baylands and then round it off with some quick birding inland at Ed Levin. Since we have moved to Saratoga since last year, it was too tempting not to start in our own yard. Band-tailed Pigeons disappointed but the 15 minutes here otherwise worked well in terms of getting SPOTTED TOWHEE and OAK TITMOUSE, species which can be hit or miss wrt photography on our chosen route, but the downside was that the 20 minutes it took to get to our next stop was wasted time. Nevertheless we started in earnest at the end of Terminal Blvd to cover the north end of Shoreline Lake, Coast Casey Forebay and Charleston Slough. Once again in just over an hour we had 50 species seen and 44 photographed. It was great to get BLACK SKIMMERS on the lake, 6 species of ducks, 3 of grebes, 3 species of swallows. The highlights was a PRAIRIE FALCON in flight, somewhat unexpected here by the bayside. We did get distracted by a cooperative male COMMON YELLOWTHROAT in good light, lingering on it a bit too long. We then headed to the Palo Alto Baylands, this year able to drive all the way to the boat ramp. We spent only 40 minutes here with 33 species seen and only 9 new photos added. This was significantly less than last year, when we had done this part on foot. 2 more ducks but none of the rare ones this time. Getting DUNLIN and NORTHERN HARRIER was nice. We then headed on to Ed Levin Park to spend the rest of the 4 hour period there. 37 species observed here with a few more new species photographed. The Spring Valley Area was closed for traffic so we parked outside and had a quick look around the lake. Did not get time to get to the "magic" eucalyptus tree. Did get RED-TAILED HAWK, TREE SWALLOW, WESTERN KINGBIRD, STELLAR'S JAY. Heard Wild Turkey but did not see it. At Sandy Wool Lake, we had several GREAT-TAILED GRACKLES which seem to have become a fixture here. Overall we ended up with 81 species seen (3 more than last year), and 70 photographed (same as last year) in 4 hours. With some very basic misses, it did feel like that with a bit more luck we could have easily surpassed last year's number. But it was a great day to be out for a good cause, while enjoying the weather and the great diversity of birds in our county.

Eared Grebe.jpg

Song Birds Trip Report

The Song Birds is a distributed team dedicated to recording audio of as many species as possible. Led by Board member Sue Pelmulder and assisted by Ginger Langdon-Lassagne (who processed audio and helped identify birds by call), this team recorded vocalizations for 51 species in the county.

Processing a California Thrasher song in Raven Lite

Processing a California Thrasher song in Raven Lite

Team members and their abbreviations for the list are:

Sue Pelmulder (SP) — Cuesta Park in Mountain View, Shoup Park in Los Altos and Stevens Creek Canyon in Cupertino
Ginger Langdon-Lassagne — Processed audio, assisted in identifying birds
Mary Ann Robertson (MAR) — Birded the suburban peninsula
Julie Amato (JA) — Picchetti Ranch (with MAR)
LC Boros (LCB) — Rural, east hills

Trip report from Mary Ann & Julie at Picchetti Ranch

A beautiful peacock greeted Mary Ann with a very loud call as she got out of her car at the hiking parking lot at Picchetti Ranch Preserve.  She managed to get a few photos of him and later recorded his call on her Recorder app (WildBird) on her iPhone.  Julie arrived and we they set off on the Zinfandel Trail for a morning of recording bird songs.  At the start of the trail, we saw and recorded a Pacific-Slope Flycatcher that was nearby in a tree.  The highlight of the morning was seeing and recording a California Thrasher in a tree next to the Zinfandel Trail.  Unfortunately Mary Ann was not able to get a photo.

A loud tractor with discer at Picchetti Ranch

A loud tractor with discer at Picchetti Ranch

Luckily we did not meet many people on the trail but we did encounter a Deere tractor with a disc plow creating wide firebreaks near the intersection of the Zinfandel and Orchard Loop Trails.  ("Nothing runs like a Deere.")   This noise is in the background of many of our recordings.  

We turned onto the Vista Trail and enjoyed the Oaks and view on Vista Point.  We saw a Flycatcher in the oak grove but it did not call.  We headed for the vernal pond and spotted a chipmunk on a tree branch along the way.  The pond was dry.  An Oak Titmouse was in one of the Valley Oaks and there were many galls on the trees.

We rejoined the Zinfandel Trail and walked south to a little past the first small bridge and then turned around and went back along the trail to the parking lot.  Near the restrooms we saw Wild Turkeys.  Spotted Towhees were frequently heard during the walk, and were our most recorded bird.  Happy surprises that we later discovered in our recordings included Warbling Vireo, Wilson’s Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, and Ash-throated Flycatcher.

At home the challenge began, trimming the recordings and identifying birds.  Mary Ann made 23 recordings included four of the "dawn chorus" in her Los Altos yard.  She ended up with 18 usable segments.  She used Cornell Lab's Raven Lite 2.0.1 and was fascinated by the spectrograms of the recordings.  Birds not heard in the field were present on the recordings.  And so the education began.  Ginger patiently reviewed all of our recordings and helped us identify the unknown birds.  We recorded 26 species at Picchetti Ranch!

Acorn Woodpecker

Acorn Woodpecker

Here are the species for which audio was recorded, with each person’s contributions attributed and a few audio tracks sprinked in:

  • Indian Peafowl (domestic type) (MAR, JA)

  • Wild Turkey (LCB)

  • Eurasian Collared-Dove (LCB)

  • Mourning Dove (SP, MAR, LCB)

  • ANHU (all)

  • California Gull [probably] (SP — a single call at Cuesta park!)

  • Great Blue Heron (LCB - huge surprise, about 40 mins in to the dawn chorus!)

  • Red-shouldered Hawk (MAR, SP)

  • Red-tailed Hawk (LCB)

  • Barn Owl (LCB)

  • Great Horned Owl (LCB)

  • Acorn Woodpecker (SP, MAR, JA)

  • Downy Woodpecker (SP)

  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker (MAR, JA)

  • Northern Flicker (LCB)

  • American Kestrel (LCB)

  • Olive-sided Flycatcher (SP)

  • Pacific-Slope Flycatcher (SP, MAR, JA)

  • Black Phoebe (MAR, SP)

  • Ash-throated Flycatcher (MAR, JA, SP)

  • Hutton’s Vireo (MAR)

  • Warbling Vireo (SP, MAR, JA)

  • Stellar’s Jay (all)

  • California Scrub-Jay (all)

  • American Crow (all)

  • Chestnut-Backed Chickadee (SP)

  • Oak Titmouse (all)

  • Barn Swallow (LCB)

  • Cliff Swallow (LCB)

  • Bushtit (MAR, SP)

  • Wrentit (Mar, JA, SP)

  • White-breasted Nuthatch (SP)

  • House Wren (LCB)

  • Bewick’s Wren (all)

  • California Thrasher (JA, MAR, LCB)

  • Northern Mockingbird (all)

  • Western Bluebird (LCB, SP)

  • American Robin (SP, LCB)

  • House Finch (all)

  • Lesser Goldfinch (all)

  • Dark-eyed Junco (all… with a small ? on the brief call on LCB’s dawn chorus?)

  • Song Sparrow (SP, JA)

  • California Towhee (MAR, SP, LCB)

  • Spotted Towhee (MAR, JA, SP)

  • Hooded Oriole (LCB)

  • Bullock’s Oriole (SP)

  • Brown-headed Cowbird (SP)

  • Orange-crowned Warbler (SP, JA)

  • Wilson’s Warbler (JA, MAR, SP)

  • Western Tanager (SP)

  • Black-headed Grosbeak (all)

    Banner sonogram - California Thrasher by Mary Ann Robertson

Local Global Big Day Birders

Everyone who posted a complete eBird checklist on May 8, 2021 was an honorary member of The Local Global Big Day Birders. Yes, even you “Anonymous eBirder”! 😁

Together, we found 168 species in the county and submitted 246 complete checklists. Below are a few stories from participants. Also check out the photos and audio uploaded to eBird at:

Barry Langdon-Lassagne:


My plans for the eBird Global Big Day were thwarted by my reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine. As happy as I was to have signs that the vaccine was effective (fever, chills, etc.) it meant I had no energy or strength to get out and bird our county. I did manage one eBird checklist, in our yard, for twenty whole minutes before crawling back into bed. I even managed to record the calls of a Bushtit and a House Finch.

Carter Gasiorowski:

Yesterday, we had a full day of birding for eBird's Global Big Day, as well as for the SCVAS birdathon team "Local-Global Big Day Birders."

My dad and I began the day at Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy just before 8 am. This is where the Gilroy Garlic Festival is held, as was evidenced by the powerful garlic smell during the first part of our outing. The parking area was filled with the songs of PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHERS, WILSON'S WARBLERS, WESTERN TANAGERS, and BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAKS. Heading east along the south side of the creek, there was a YELLOW WARBLER, as well as two CALIFORNIA THRASHERS and a WRENTIT singing from the drier areas, while a group of VAUX'S SWIFTS foraged overhead. A silent SWAINSON'S THRUSH along the path 1/4 mile from the parking lot was a nice surprise, as was a male BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER foraging in the oaks. This was our birdiest stop, providing 41 of our 63 species for the day.

We then made a quick stop a few miles away along Bolsa Road, where we had a flyover LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCH.

Our next stop was along Betabel Road, where we hoped to find Blue Grosbeaks. The heatwaves were too severe to get scope views of the hillside where Frank Vanslager and Bob Reiling found Blue Grosbeaks breeding last summer, but we did get a good look at numerous LAZULI BUNTINGS flying around the field.

Heading back north, we visited the San Pedro Percolation Ponds in Morgan Hill. It wasn't particularly birdy, but during our 20-minute visit, we did manage to see all five local swallow species.

We then went to Calero Reservoir, our final stop for the morning. They are doing some pretty major work on the entrance to the boat launch area, but it didn't affect access at all, at least while we were there. While looking at the swallow flocks, a male TRICOLORED BLACKBIRD flew over the parking lot with a group of red-wings, a nice surprise!

Driving home past Rancho San Vicente, we saw the (resident?) pair of GOLDEN EAGLES soaring over the parking lot, as well as an AMERICAN KESTREL on the wire.

After resting for a while at home, my dad, mom, and I arrived at the Stile Ranch Entrance to Santa Teresa County Park at 7:45 pm. A short way west along the Calero Creek trail, there was a lot of activity on the chaparral-covered hillside, with TOWHEES and RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROWS flying around and singing near the trail. At 8:17 pm, 13 minutes after sunset, a COMMON POORWILL called a few times from up on the hillside. We heard the calls from around 37.203431, -121.810087, and we stayed there for the rest of the evening. A few minutes later, we got a fleeting glimpse of the poorwill as it flew up, presumably from its day roost, and over the backside of the hill. At around 8:30 pm, two poorwills started calling from very close by on the hillside, and I was able to hear and record all three parts (poor-will-ip) of their call, instead of just the 'poor-will' that is audible over a greater distance. You can barely hear it in the recording that's in my eBird list below. After getting the recording, I saw a dark shape flying over the hillside. I got it in my bins, and it was a Poorwill! It was shortly joined by another Poorwill, and then, to my astonishment, both Poorwills landed in a bush together, with their outlines silhouetted against the fading light. I started heading closer to try and get a photo, and then both birds took off, and flew just 10 feet over my head! It was a truly magical experience that my mom captured in a cellphone video (linked below). We continued to hear poorwills sporadically as we headed back to the car, including one that was quite far away from the two we saw, so there were at least 3 poorwills present.

All in all, it was an amazing day with 63 species, 2 year-birds for me (Swainson's Thrush and Poorwill), and an unforgettable experience.

Garrett Lau:

Canada Goose Gosling, Palo Alto Flood Control Basin — Garrett Lau

Canada Goose Gosling, Palo Alto Flood Control Basin — Garrett Lau

My main goal for today was to get better photographs of the Red-necked
Phalaropes that had been spending the past few days in the southeast
pond in the Palo Alto Flood Control Basin. I went there at 3:00pm and
had the sun directly behind me while shooting from the bike path, and
I even managed to get both the male and the female in the same photo.
I also photographed the Canada Goose goslings, which almost
outnumbered the adults.

Red-necked Phalaropes at Palo Alto Flood Control Basin — Garrett Lau

Red-necked Phalaropes at Palo Alto Flood Control Basin — Garrett Lau

Next, I drove a half mile up the road to Emily Renzel Wetlands to
photograph the Common Tern. I saw it flying above the south pond as
soon as I got out of my car. I took many photos of it in flight. After
it perched on the rock island where it often perches, I scanned both
ponds to count all the birds. There was nothing else unusual, but it
is always nice to see the Common Gallinules.

Common Tern at Emily Renzel Wetlands — Garrett Lau

My third and final stop was Geng Road. A pair of Western Kingbirds and
a Northern Mockingbird posed nicely at the entrance to the San
Francisquito Creek Trail. I took the trail to the Friendship Bridge
and then crossed the bridge into San Mateo County before returning the
same way. On the return trip, I watched a Red-tailed Hawk fly in and
then eat a jackrabbit on the golf course, close to the cart path. I
think the jackrabbit must have been struck by a golf cart.

Northern Mockingbird at San Francisquito Creek Trail — Garrett Lau

Western Kingbird at San Francisquito Creek Trail — Garrett Lau

Looking South from Mt. Eden trail

Looking South from Mt. Eden trail

Carolyn Knight:

Saturday dawned bright and early and I… missed it. I had planned with the best intentions to start birding with the sun, but whether it was the work week or the tail end of recovering from my own second vaccination, the need for sleep prevailed over the desire to find owls. So, scrapping my more ambitious plans, I hit McClellan Ranch at 7AM to get the Ranch’s resident owls on their roosts for the day. Hooded Orioles, more Chestnut-backed Chickadees than you could shake a stick at, and a flyover of an out of place Double-crested Cormorant rounded out the 26 species I left with.

McClellan Ranch Preserve

With two hours before I had to do things other than birding I decided to stay in the area for the rest of my birding, leading me to hike the Canyon trail in Stevens Creek County Park. Not the most birdy of locales, at least not with the other weekend hikers sharing the trail with me, but an Ash-throated Flycatcher, a couple of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, and my FOS Golden Eagle (finally!) made the effort worth it as I signed off from birding for the rest of the day.

Stevens Canyon Road

Wrong Terns Trip Report

The Wrong Terns is a Birdathon team composed of SCVAS’s Ed Committee, members of the Wetlands Discovery Program, and whomever else we can convince to go birding with us. While we typically bird together and finish the day off with a potluck lunch, in 2020 and 2021 we’ve adapted to a distributed format, to the benefit of our species count and the disappointment of our taste buds.

This year the Terns finished their 4-hour day with 128 species, some great pictures, and hope that we’ll be able to bird together again next year.

Diane Hart and Jim Liskovec


We wandered by car up Steven’s Creek Canyon Road, stopping along the way to bird seldom visited paths and picnic areas. Along the way we encountered mostly familiar birds, both visitors and year-round residents. Rounding a curve near the Steven’s Creek Reservoir, we were stopped by the sight of a turkey vulture flying low across the road. Within minutes we were looking at half-a-dozen vultures in a nearby tree, all talking among themselves. The object of their attention was a flattened ground squirrel that clearly hadn’t looked both ways before crossing the road.

For Jim, the scene brought to mind a Far Side cartoon featuring two vultures sitting in a tree. One was clearly hungry, saying to the other, “Patience my foot. I’m going to kill somebody!”

Ginny, Jerry, Linda, Alan, and Kitty

This group of Terns explored Alviso and Ulistac to find 49 species in their 4 hours! While they didn’t get lost, they did manage to pick up another birder on the way, with Kitty and her friend joining them for the last leg of their journey!

Bird Photo 4_46_21.jpg

Craige Edgerton and Rick Herder

Rick Herder and I started the day at 8 AM at Smith Creek in Grant Ranch County Park. If you've never been there, it is one of the most beautiful creek walks in the county, even if not looking for birds. For birds, it is a hotspot, especially seasonal migrants. We got 29 species along the creek, including WARBLING VIREO, ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER, BLACK HEADED GROSBEAK, HAIRY WOODPECKER, (all HO), CASSINS VIREO, NORTHERN ROUGH WINGED SWALLOW and WILSONS WARBLER, . Rick taught me a lot about calls and songs. There was almost constant singing the entire 1 mile of the creek.

Next was the Twin Gates parking lot where got 6 more species including WESTERN TANAGER, BULLOCKS ORIOLE, LINCOLN SPARROW AND YELLOW RUMPED WARBLER were the highlights.

The third stop was Grant Lake with the best species being FOX SPARROW, VAUX SWIFT, all four swallow species, GADWALL, BUFFELHEAD, RUDDY DUICK, and WESTERN SANDPIPER.

We wrapped up the day at the Ranch House were we missed the VERMILLION FLYCATCHER, but did get GOLDEN EAGLE, WHITE TAILED KITE, ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER, PINE SISKIN, and AMERICAN GOLDFINCH. For the day we totaled 67 species.

While in the parking lot at Grant lake, a cyclist asked what we were doing and then commenced to tell us about the ROAD RUNNERS he has seen occasionally on the trail. He said they were much smaller than the ones in Arizona and Rick and I looked askance at one another. A short while later we encountered a CALIFORNIA THRASHER racing across the trail in front of us and concluded that the "small road runner" was most probably the CATH.

We concluded about 12:30 PM, tired, hungry, and exhilarated!

Ginger Langdon-Lassagne


Ginger’s birding effort was offset by 3 days from the rest of the Wrong Terns, but she still felt part of the bigger effort. Covering two county parks and OSA lands along McKean Road in the southern San Jose was very fun on the warm, sunny day that Thursday provided. One highlight at Rancho San Vicente were the very vocal Grasshopper sparrows that buzzed continuously from the dry grass behind the parking lot restrooms! Also, numerous Rock Wrens, calling on territory and carrying insect prey to hidden sites among the rocks, surrounded by purple lupines and golden fiddlenecks. Stile Ranch trail provided the expected Rufous-crowned Sparrows and the unexpected, high-flyover, adult Bald Eagle. Target bird! Calero Reservoir was an exciting mix of Caspian and Forster’s Terns and flamenco-dancing Western Grebes on the water, but the big surprise was the Tricolored Blackbirds visiting the cattails on the lakeshore. Ginger ended the four hours with forest birds picked up at the Calero Park headquarters building: Ash-Throated Flycatcher, Band-tailed Pigeon, Oak Titmouse and Tree Swallow were all new for the day in the final few minutes. Four hours never seemed to short!

Carolyn Knight

My day started off at Oka Ponds with a flurry of swallows. Violet-green, Northern Rough-wing, Barn, and Cliff, all zipping over the ponds, with Vaux’s Swifts spiraling up above them. It would have been a great chance to just sit and watch these little aerialists, but with the clock ticking away moved away from the ponds nearly the parking lot to go across the creek in search of some more species. Most of the ponds are nearly dry right now, but a lone Green Heron was skulking under an oak tree towards the bridge over Los Gatos Creek, and a flock of Cedar Waxwings up in the sycamores were chattering.

American Dipper mid blink at Los Gatos Creek

American Dipper mid blink at Los Gatos Creek

My next stop was taken at a bit of a run, literally, for one species in particular. I overshot this little guy on my way down Los Gatos Creek trail, but managed to find it on my way back. The American Dipper was perched on the very edge of the concrete channel, right above a drop in in the creek.


I spent the rest of the day in Santa Teresa CP, enjoying the weather, the cows, and the Tree Swallows that finally showed up for my list. The turkeys were displaying on the hills, and the meadow by the Pueblo Day Area was filled with Western Bluebirds and a few Lazuli Buntings. A California Quail was calling from the rocks, and I spent a very satisfying fifteen tracking down the Ash-throated Flycatcher that was calling from the Santa Teresa Creek Trail.

All told it was a 60 species day.

Dwight Agan


Dwight Agan explored the Emily Renzel Wetlands and captured some amazing pictures to share with us of the birds he found, including a Common Tern!


Birdcassos Team Report

Birdcassos Team Report

On Wednesday April 7, the Birdcassos spread out across the county to draw, paint and sketch as many birds as possible in a single day. This book captures the stories of artists Mary Ann, Matthew, Leena, Carolyn, Barry, Audrey, Shweta, Cristina, Mary and Floy along with a few enthusiastic children: Sava, Ellis, Rahna and Rohan all of whom created their art in their unique and individual style. In all, the team created representations of 96 different species of local birds. A great feat!